Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The citing of the moon on, 11-10-07 marked the end of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar [Ramadan], and the beginning of Idd-al-fitir jubilations. This was confirmed by the headquarters of the Muslim supreme council through their radio station, Bilar fm and was amplified by other communication Medias. The Mufti of Muslims Sheikh Mubajje announced the programmes of Idd day that prayers were to start the following day starting at 9am to 11am.His Excellency Yoweri Museveni was quoted by Nation media Television and other Stations congratulating Muslims for enduring the hunger of the 29 days and requesting them to respect other religious groups. On 12-10-2007, celebrations covered the city, especially at my area of reporting at Kabowa Dinia-Ndeeba mosque. With the massive arrival of Muslims, male and female who were frequently reciting the name of God in chorus, ‘Allah Akbar''Allah akbar'meaning God is great. The majority were dressed in tunic [kanzu] for men and Hijab [shariah], veils for women. Generally white and black were the colors that represented the day.

Muslims were advised to pay charity[zakat-fitir] before conducting prayers. soon after, the Imam stepped on the pulpit known as Mimbali and the followers stood up horizontally, ready for prayers. This was followed by a thirty minute sermon,that emphasized the continuity of good morals among Muslims even after the Holy month of Ramadhan.The center of interest to the majority had finally arrived, as I quoted one boy saying, ‘the best part of Idd is eating and drinking sodas' They departed from the mosque to their respective places for eats and drinks.Specifically,I visited Beston Hotel at Ndeeba where some Muslims had 'ambushed' to enjoy themselves with recommended buffet and drinks in Islam,example,Pilau,Roasted meat or soda, juice among others.However,following my interaction and interview with some Muslims, I learnt that, that did not mark the end of Idd celebrations. Some elder Muslims promised to spend the rest of the day with their families celebrating, contrary to the youth, who vehemently vowed to either go to cinemas or clubs, like, Garden city, Cineplex or Ange Noir and silk club among others. This was to crown the insurmountable joy, happiness and celebrations of Idd Al-Fitir. report by Susan Wamui

1 comment:

Fons said...

I HAVE READ.MARKS WILL COMMUNICATED later.You could have interviewed a few muslims at the mosque.Nkusi